Welcome to gomoku_rl’s documentation!


gomoku_rl is an open-sourced project that trains agents to play the game of Gomoku through deep reinforcement learning. Previous works often rely on variants of AlphaGo/AlphaZero and inefficiently use GPU resources. gomoku_rl features GPU-parallelized simulation and leverages recent advancements in MARL. Starting from random play, a model can achieve human-level performance on a \(15\times15\) board within hours of training on a 3090.


Install gomoku_rl with the following command:

git clone git@github.com:hesic73/gomoku_rl.git
cd gomoku_rl
conda create -n gomoku_rl python=3.11.5
conda activate gomoku_rl
pip install -e .

I use python 3.11.5, torch 2.1.0 and torchrl 0.2.1. Lower versions of python and torch 1.x should be compatible as well.


gomoku_rl uses hydra to configure training hyperparameters. You can modify the settings in cfg/train_InRL.yaml or override them via the command line:

# override default settings in cfg/train_InRL.yaml
python scripts/train_InRL.py num_env=1024 device=cuda epochs=3000 wandb.mode=online
# or simply:
python scripts/train_InRL.py.py

The default location for saving checkpoints is wandb/*/files or tempfile.gettempdir() if wandb.mode==’disabled’. Modify the output directory by specifying the run_dir parameter.

After training, play Gomoku with your model using the scripts/demo.py script:

# Install PyQt5
pip install PyQt5
python scripts/demo.py device=cpu grid_size=56 piece_radius=24 checkpoint=/model/path
# default checkpoint (only for board_size=15)
python scripts/demo.py

Pretrained models for a \(15\times15\) board are available under pretrained_models/15_15/. Be aware that using the wrong model for the board size will lead to loading errors due to mismatches in AI architectures. In PPO, when share_network=True, the actor and the critic could utilize a shared encoding module. At present, a PPO object with a shared encoder cannot load from a checkpoint without sharing.